Help that is easier/better: at your own pace, anywhere, anytime, with no appointment-time pressures, as much time as you need to revise/clarify; ability to review all coaching conversations, gain the orderliness that writing provides; less expensive than in-person, per-session help, low key, no heavy “psychotherapy”, and no calendar pressure to “show up” at a specific time.

Who advises you the most?  YOU!  Learn how to do it better!
Locate and sort out your needs, hurts, angers, decisions…
Locate your “Issue” below
Then use the “Solution-Guidelines” below free
Want more help? Consult with Prof. Howard Seeman confidentially:


  1. Anxieties, Fears, Worries: Help with calming these, understanding what they really are about, and where they come from… to feel more confident, relaxed and sleep better.
  2. Couples/Partners: Help with dating, recent couples/partners, marriage difficulties, communication problems, conflict resolution, angers, dissatisfactions in the relationship, improving the sexual relationship, parenting issues.
  3. Handling the Loss of a Loved One: Bereavement, grieving is emotionally painful, and often also affects our physical health as well. But, you can get to a place that carries this loss easier, and go on with your life, with this loved one even with you “in your back pocket.” I can help you through this process; I have been through it myself.
  4. Helping the Dying: If you are terminally ill, I can help you down this road with less emotional pain about: leaving, regrets, unresolved angers and goals, feeling alone… We can take a lot of the pain out of dying…. The latter we all have to do, but we can do it well.
  5. Emotional Upsets Regarding Medical Issues. Often emotional issues potentiate medical problems. And medical problems cause additional emotional problems. Support and help to best handle and/or diminish these.
  6. Education Help for Students K-12 and parents, and college students: Homework, falling grades, managing “screen time”, cell phone use, behavior problems, bullying, term papers, study habits, tutoring, SAT exams, college applications/essays….
  7. Writing/Editing Help; Getting Published: Learning to write better and self-edit better — for school, college, employers and/or to self [or traditional] publish one’s own work, prose or poetry. (Can all be done via email and/or attached files.)
  8. Those struggling with important decisions: Regarding work, personal life, dating, parenting, transitions, career, education, family, re-locating.
  9. Want To Stop Smoking? Help, Support and Coaching to stop smoking, either cold-turkey (all at once) or gradually withdrawing from the habit. (Perhaps also with others in a small support group.)
  10. Stressed; Anger Management: Stress and Anger Management Reduction, Coping Skills. The latter are causing you to miss sleep, have temper outbursts… affecting your children, clients, your personal and professional life.
  11. Those Dating: Whether using online dating or in person, dating is an anxious, difficult task and important: Choosing correctly, not being rejected, what to say? when? satisfying each other’s needs/wants, without losing yourself…etc. Handling the sexual interactions, and help for building a supportive, caring, relationship.
  12. Improve Sexual Satisfaction: Good sex is not only enjoyable but good for your health. Here is help for mutual, non-selfish, sexual love making. How to talk about it with your partner so that the negative, non-spoken feelings do not slowly diminish your relationship. You can get help either by coming alone, or with your partner.
  13. Struggling to lose weight: Often some of the problem is also “emotional” needs, where we feed the wrong “hole”, for example, eat when we are lonely. We also need support to do what we are trying to do.
  14. Recovering Alcoholics/Addictions: Those who have now been able to be sober and want help/support to maintain their recently new healthier life style.
  15. Stressed Helping Professionals: Doctors, nurses, therapists, counselors, teachers…. We helpers also need help; with the stress of being for others all day, while holding in and managing our own all-too-human reactions. We need places to express feelings not appropriate to express on our jobs, help sorting these out confidentially, with a consultant and with other helping professionals with similar feelings/concerns.
  16. Parents/Children: Difficulties regarding parenting children: sleep problems, behavior problems at home/school; bullying; education and homework/testing issues; the best way to handle sibling conflicts; scheduling, managing “screen time”, cell phone use, and disagreements among the parents.
  17. Teachers/School Administrators: Help solving classroom disruptive behavior, “turned-off” students, teachers in need of more training.
  18. Separation/Divorce Recovery: Renewing one’s life and social connections, dealing with the losses, anger-anxiety, dating again, resultant difficulties with one’s children….
  19. Feeling Lonely: Support/help for making friends / supportive relationships, boosting self-esteem, meeting needs better, self-clarification, finding social fulfillment and ways out of boredom.
  20. Procrastinators and Time-Management: Help meeting goals, getting organized, motivated, too many balls to juggle, retraining out of bad habits, overcoming blocks.
  21. Falling into Drugs/Alcohol: Due to recent upset, trauma, loss, or conflict. Starting to use too much…for reward, sleep, tranquilizer, recent stress.
  22. Want Help with Professional Presentations/Workshops.
  23. Looking for a Support Group of neighbors nearby who share similar above concerns.

Solution-Guidelines for:

  1. Anxieties, Fears, Worries: We can search/clarify the roots of these fears, identify them and de-intensify them by locating what we are really afraid of and how to cope with and eliminate them.
  2. Couples/Partners: Improving communications, resolving conflicts, angers, lack of trust, better supporting each other via “couple’s resolution methods.”
  3. Handling the Loss of a Loved One: We can talk to this loved one, incorporate him/her into your ongoing life, find them still inside you, and not leave them, and make the pain of missing them into a light.
  4. Helping the Dying: We can take the correct stance toward our leaving, and complete a process that gives us peace of mind to do what everyone must do, but do it well.*
  5. Emotional Upsets Regarding Medical Issues: Find listeners for these understandable anxieties. Careful: don’t read the worst into any Google research you do.
  6. Education Help for Students K-12 and parents, and college students: Email [email protected]
  7. Writing/Editing Help; Getting Published: Ways to first get your disorganized ideas onto your computer; then help to organize them; then how to self-publish successfully.
  8. Those struggling with important decisions: Sorting out the pros/cons and influences/effects or your decision – to make the correct decision.
  9. Want To Stop Smoking? Locate the triggers that make you feed the wrong hole, then use some of these techniques….
  10. Stressed; Anger Management: Locate the vulnerability that makes you prone to this stress, your needs, your future fears and the hurt that caused the anger. Then….
  11. Those Dating: How to handle online dating, writing a good profile, how best to respond.
  12. Improve Sexual Satisfaction: Some talking, the right talking, is good for good sex.
  13. Struggling to lose weight: Locate the needs that you are trying to feed with food, then…
  14. Recovering Alcoholics/Addictions: Join an AA group, locate the triggers to drink.
  15. Stressed Helping Professionals: You are not alone. Helpers need support, places to vent.
  16. Parents/Children: Listening, supporting your child’s feelings, often better than advice. Build a “red-carpet.
  17. Teachers/School Administrators: See Preventing Discipline Problems, K-12
  18. Separation/Divorce Recovery: Best do Marriage Mediation, not divorce lawyers.
  19. Feeling Lonely: Try helping another; sharing some vulnerable feelings; listen empathetically to others; go to social events.
  20. Procrastinators, Time-Management: How to make “to-do” lists + schedules that work.
  21. Falling into Drugs/Alcohol: Too quickly reaching for the drug and feeding the wrong hole; what is the real need; let’s solve that.
  22. Help with Professional Presentations/Workshops: Email [email protected]
  23. Looking for a Support Group? Email [email protected]

*Also, available at discount: Two books by Prof. Seeman on living life best in our framework of our own mortality, and getting thru tough life events: You and Me Getting Under Limbo Bars and Unlike Almost Everything Else In The Universe

The Life-Coaching Agreement


I do not work with insurance so fees are low, on a sliding scale, and may be tax-deductible as an education consultant or a business expense (an appropriate invoice is available). Sessions are strictly confidential. Fees due before each session via Paypal to: [email protected]. Click any amount in the table below to pay. We can meet in person at my home-office in Wellington, Florida, or via Zoom, or Google Meet, or consult via email.

First consult
(to see if we “fit”)
$28 30min.
One session $74 50min.
Two sessions $143 50min.
Three sessions $210 50min.
Four sessions $280 50min.


I am a licensed Psychologist, Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) and Drama Therapist with thirty-four years of professional experience. For the past fifteen years I have worked as a professor at Central Connecticut State University, where I have supervised and taught more than 300 therapists/counselors in a graduate MFT program.

Throughout these past thirty-five years, I have also had the pleasure, benefit of knowing and working with, and learning from, Prof. Howard Seeman. We have also published and co-presented professionally. Also, on numerous occasions I have sought consultation with him on a variety of clinical and teaching issues. Prof. Seeman has unfailingly offered superb insights to my personal and professional life, drawing on his wealth of experience, keen intellect and sound judgment.

As someone who knows a lot about “helping,” I can attest to the value of Prof. Seeman’s assistance. If you are a helping professional, e.g., therapist, counselor, teacher, or parent, I recommend him to you; you will find great benefit from his counsel regarding the interface of your personal life with your professional helping concerns.

Prof. Daniel J. Wiener, PhD, ABPP, RDT/BCT
Rehearsals! for Growth

See more testimonials →

About Prof. Howard Seeman

Howard Seeman

  • Ph.D. in epistemology, existential philosophy and social psychology from the New School For Social Research, New York City, 1980
  • C.L.C., Certified Life Coach; The Life Coach Institute of Orange County, 2013
  • Professor Emeritus, Lehman College, City University of NY
  • Master of Arts, New School for Social Research, NYC, 1970
  • Certification from The Association for Poetry Therapy, 1971
  • Certified Member of The Association for Specialists in Group Work, 1975
  • Certified Member of The American Association for Counseling and Development, 1975
  • Member of the American Psychological Association, January 2020
  • Organizer/Coordinator, New York Life Coaching Meetups, 2016
  • Member of the Columbia University Seminar on Innovation in Education
  • Member of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama; awarded the title: “Fellow” of the Society for his outstanding work in the field, April 1978
  • Has extensive experience leading Support Groups
  • Was a psychotherapist for individual clients and led therapy groups for New York Associates for Psychotherapy Services.
  • Certified in the Training of Prevention of School Violence and Intervention, UFT, 2006
  • Taught course for educating teachers in: Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs, 1977-1981 at C.U.N.Y.
  • Assistant Director of Addiction Services Agency’s Teacher Training Program, NYC, 1969 
  • Published over 20 articles in professional journals on education, counseling, philosophy, and psychology, and a major contributor to online education publications.
  • Couple’s therapy from the American Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Spring 1982.
    Over 3,000 hours of experience in Group Support Processes and Psychodrama, and The Creative Arts Therapies at The Institute for Sociotherapy, NYC from 1969-1982 with individuals, poetry-therapy, diet, support and couple’s groups, and as co-director of a camp for emotionally disturbed children.

This site’s services are not medical, nor psychotherapy. It helps the client to better navigate his/her own responsibility/solutions for a better personal/professional life.